Coming Soon! More information updated soon with specifications.
Our customers asked for these products, so we are able to supply them as our Decking Panels for the Strata and our standard Stealth roof racks.
Offered in three sizes, Long, Short and Wide to allow for flexible configurations on your roof.
For the Sprinter 144" Strata Roof Rack you will need 6 panel A, 3 Panel B, and 6 Panel C to make a full complete roof deck. if you have fan on the back or the front just minus one or two Panel C
These well-designed and innovative deck panels with L-Track accessory slots can be used to cover direct sunlight or snow onto your van's roof, as well as mounting options for your solar panels and around your roof fans and AC, or to carry gear and storage boxes.
Or, used to chill out and check out the amazing views from the top of your van!
By all means, Get There with White Top Adventures™ with our complete Strata Roof Rack System with Roof Rails, Light Bar, Ladder and Deck Panels.
Note: Certain weight and capacity restrictions may apply with our all of our products, including Strata, Stealth and Standard roof racks and accessory components.
White Top Adventures® – Innovation and Quality at Affordable Prices